This thought has finally adapted a new mode in HCC. HCC as a team has come up with an idea of being a helping hand to the needful by arranging some collection which can be used for charity.

Each & every one of us has a heart to help but they are not on a daily basis, it’s either when you get a salary hike or any birthdays or special occasions like those. When many hands join together , it could bring great joy to someone out there with nothing to hope for.

Hence we have decided to arrange a collection at the end of every month and this is not a compulsory act. Only those with a willing heart can come forward & make this idea a success. We will not barge into your rooms and ask, those of you who wish to help can donate some amount to Mr. Roshan Roy Philip at the end of every month.The amount thus collected will be used for charity.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. . . As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Since we draw our salary on or before 26th, it is possible to make it before 1st of every month. Shall we have a treasurer for this charity trust?
    -Prakashkumar N

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Shall we have a treasurer for this charity trust?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    nice thought

  4. Unknown Says:

    This is a excellent thing to do...i have only one advise on this...be different in what we want to do...dont do what many typical people or organisations do with charity..make a difference....

  5. Unknown Says:

    This is a excellent thing to do...i have only one advise on this...be different in what we want to do...dont do what many typical people or organisations do with charity..make a difference....