The 86.4k Factor

There is something in our lives, which is common to all and never stays still. For some it seems to run and for others it seems to drag on. I came across a good article which gives its importance in an interesting way.

“Almost every one of us wants to be rich. So, let’s suppose that your bank account was credited with Rs 86,400 (86.4k for short!) every midnight with the pre-condition that if you didn’t spend the entire amount of money the same day within 24 hours, then the unused balance would just ‘vanish’ at 11:59 pm that night. And at 12:00 am, a fresh remittance of Rs.86.4k is added to your account, only for the unused amount to ‘evaporate’ again that night at 11:59 pm. Then, what would you do? Wouldn’t we all try to spend all the money of Rs.86.4k effectively?”

Yes, I know our answer would be yes. But then, isn't it this just a hypothetical situation? Guess what, you are mistaken. Every day our lives are being credited with 86400 seconds. It is up to us to ensure that we utilise it fully. Every single day, so many seconds are being wasted away and then when a new day begins, a fresh set of 86.4k is given to us. To each person in this world, this abundant, wealth is given uniformly. And how much of it do we take for granted and simple squander.

Times have changed and we are all part of a rat race to take control of the things beyond our reach. If you step back and think, you'll know you are running this race because you too are mismanaging the world's most democratic resource-Time. The 86.4k factor is the only constant in our lives. And now, since we know we are all on the same level, its time that we started to work at achieving our dreams using 86.4k as our sole capital.

Have we ever viewed time through this angle? All of us know how to use our wealth in the most effective manner. But there is something more valuable than money that is slipping away from us. Let us not live as though we will live for ever. Our time is limited and one day there might be nothing to look back on. People like Gandhi and Abdul Kalaam too have had or has only the same amount of time but the way they used it made all the difference in their lives. It is human to err but we do not need to repeat the same error again and again. Each second is valuable only for that second and then it's never coming back to us. At the same time, when we achieve something with our abilities, however small it might be, we must learn to be contect with it and then try to put in more effort to reach the next step. Some of us are always in pursue for happiness that we have reached a stage where nothing in this world can make us smile. So, let us invest this invaluable resource that we have, wisely and profit from life.

"Cherish each moment that comes your way

Arise to each dawn with a plan

Live each day to its fullest

For we in this world are just for a while..."